Saturday, June 7, 2008

Annual Well Woman Exam

Next time you're due for you annual Well Woman Exam (pap, mammogram, cholestrol) be sure to ask your doctor to include a thyroid panel with your blood tests. This is an easy reminder to see if you start to develop a low function thyroid before the symptoms develop. And, it's a good marker to see how the gland performs as you get older. Plus, for those already on thyroid medication, you can see if you need more or less dosage. Your doctor should know the symptoms are sometimes so vague and it's important for your overall health.

P.S. Men suffer, too. Same goes for your significant others.

1 comment:

Violeta Corona said...

Hypothyroidism is something to take seriously. Desiccated porcine tablets are the best choice but one should never hesitate to ask a doctor to be tested.