Friday, June 20, 2008

Beat the Heat!

Did you know that Hashimoto's thyroid patients may suffer during a heat spell or after a day in the hot sun? It's common knowledge that low thyroid can cause you to be cold all the time, but it's not well known that you can also experience symptoms such as weakness and low blood sugar - adjusting to heat. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and not over due. Sounds simple, but it's easy to keep pushing along and then - boom, you're out! Play outside, just find shade, wear a hat and take breaks.


Shirley Donalds said...

Thanks for the info. My brother has recently been diagnosed with Hashimoto's. He lost weight dramatically, then all his hair fell out in clumps. My brother was so thankful to desiccated bovine thyroid . Natural thyroid helps his thyroid to function well.

twelvalve said...

хороший и посещаемый лысьва форум